
A portrait records the likeness, and a moment in another’s life. It is a memory, an excerpt in time. Creating a portrait comes with a responsibility to see and capture a quality of an individual, and translate that quality to canvas, whether it is through physical likeness, style, color, emotion, etc… . While it is not often practical for me to create a portrait from life (sometimes my subjects have passed in fact), I try to understand who the individual is before beginning. If it is a memorial portrait (ie: Heavens Portraits) I discuss with close family, friends who this indivdual was to them, how they remember them. If it is a living portrait, they tell me their story. My portraits aspire to capture not only a physical likeness, but also to convey something deeper and more personal, the essence of the individual while telling a little bit about their life story.

“I leave you my portrait so that you will have my presence all the days and nights that I am away from you. -Frida Kahlo